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Let Hall residents control more of communitys needs
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I'm am tired of hearing and reading about government budget woes. Those in office have abused the system to the point that failure is inevitable.

The years of frivolous spending by those entrusted with overseeing the quality of life within our community have come back to haunt the citizens of Hall County. Let's trim the fat from the top first. The sky high salaries at the top of the chain would be a start. Eliminating excess fuel usage by limiting who drives home and uses county vehicles.

As far as the county parks, turn them over to each community and create community associations that are responsible for them. Gwinnett and Forsyth County have had success in doing this. It is cost effective and the programs and sports have improved dramatically.

Trim the fat and the county will prosper. The citizens need to put real citizens, not politicians, in place that care more for the community than lining their own pockets and pushing their own agenda's.

What happened to representation of the people? Our government needs to work for the people, not against them. Our government needs to be more transparent and available, not stuck behind closed doors and discussed in secret meetings.

Kris Hall