Everyone knows that your automobile performs more dependably when it’s serviced by an expert at the regular service intervals. After all, components wear out and need replacement.
You can continue to drive without the service, of course, until things start to break. Many people do this for one reason or another. And many tennis players continue to play with worn strings in their rackets, too. They replace them only when they actually break.
However, for maximum performance, your strings should be replaced after 40 hours of play, or six months, whichever comes first. Even if you don’t touch your strings for months, the strings lose tension and resiliency. Frequent play, of course, accelerates the process.
So replace your strings regularly for maximum performance. You don’t want your equipment working against you when you’re trying to play your best tennis. A breakdown on the road, or on the court, can usually be avoided.
Gary Sherby is tennis director at Racquets and Togs Tennis Center, 115 Bradford St., just off the downtown square. His tennis tips appear Sundays.