To the candidates: I am only one of millions of voters that will be casting a vote this November. Even though your campaign qualifies me as an undecided, let me say that would be the extent of my targeted voter categories for your campaign. I want to tell you some reasons or beliefs that I will take to the polls.
I have had my reservations in voting for you. Following both campaigns these past months, I found myself with some general questions. I'm not sure when the last time was that you read the preamble to the Constitution, but some of it instigated questions.
Allow me to quote the first three words: "We the people." It seems rather simple. It didn't say we the upper class or middle class or even lower class. I don't consider myself to be in any class other than American. This is something that has been generated from politics in order to define voter groups. That has led to people thinking they are more or less than what they are, Americans.
I am one of those "we the people." It is my belief that we elect representatives for the advancement of our concerns. Over the years, a number have fallen to the temptation of money and power and forgotten the people who elected them to office.
It's time to remember where you came from. You are about to hold the greatest office in the free world. That office speaks for all of us Americans, the rich, poor, minorities and majorities. I want a person to represent all Americans.
Continuing to quote the Constitution, "promote the general welfare." My interpretation of this starts with the word "promote." It does not say provide or detract. General welfare can be interpreted many ways, but I believe it to be the pursuit of life, liberty and happiness. I don't expect the government I helped elect give me a handout, rather a hand up. I don't want those with means to be made obligated to share with me. It is their right to keep what is theirs.
On the other side, if I have the ability to provide for myself and my family, I should be expected to. I acknowledge a degree of ignorance to the financial planning it takes to run a country. That being said, I don't understand the reward for failure that was recently voted on and passed. My perception is that of my tax dollars used to reward businesses for making risky decisions.
We all have an agenda. Whether it is a candidate, news agency, social group or individual American, having an agenda is not a crime. But furthering that agenda at the cost of concealing or diluting truth is a crime against everyone.
My perception of politics is the corruption of my America by a small minority with both an agenda and means in which to purchase the outcome. It is shameful to think that this country was founded on the principles of freedom and fairness to all and has been reduced to the purchase amount for some.
In closing, let me say thank you. From my research there is much that you have achieved in your life. This country does indeed provide the means for success with hard work.
Good luck to you in these last few weeks. I'm sure my fellow Americans can make the right decision for the greater good.
Kenneth Millican Jr.
Civility is lost with negative tone of campaigns
Election Day presents us with the competition selected by our forefathers as the method to elect our representative to perform the tasks associated with protecting our interests and guarantee our pursuit of the American dream.
It is a competition and so there will be winners and losers. As good Americans, we must accept the will of the majority.
Civility ends there. The question is often raised, "is the Civil War over yet?" No! Every four years it breaks out again in the form of a presidential election. At that time, it's friend vs. friend, brother vs. brother, and the battle can get mean.
People don't seem to run for office these days using their accomplishments as their qualification for the job. Instead, a negative attack mode is chosen. To fuel the attack, it is beneficial to pick a failure as a target. If there is no obvious one, manufacture doubt and let that serve its purpose.
As a beginning, the issues are floated out to the voters in a survey form. The item which dissatisfies the public the most is selected as the attack target.
Remember this year, it was the war. Then came the surge. The surge was attacked, as well as the developer of the concept. Son of a gun; the surge worked. So gears shifted.
The economy was next. It had been bypassed originally because things were pretty good. The stock market was pushing 14,000, interest rates were low and unemployment was low. Then, the fuel crisis hit and trickled down. As fuel costs rose, so did everything else that uses fuel. It was an element of the economy that soured, not the economy as a whole.
Rather than attack the economy, we sort out the problem and find out what made it happen. But that isn't enough, so attack the whole thing. The problem was really dependent on foreign oil. Congress sat on the issue and let it get worse.
In this election, we have had a chance to see the desire for power rear its ugly head. There are people who seem to thrive on the U.S. having problems. It's hard for me to believe that, because in everything, America comes first. J.F. Kennedy said, "Ask not what your county can do for you, but rather what you can do for your country."
I am sick of lying, half-truths and insinuations. I believe truth in advertising should apply to political ads. This type of advertising is meant to deceive. If I were applying for a job and I tried to deceive, I'd be disqualified.
Character assassination has been clearly demonstrated. With the availability of hypocrisy, why do they need to destroy someone?
There are many naive, easily malleable people in this country. We have a do-nothing Congress and sought a change in D.C. to get them to do their job. But an old adage took hold: Be careful what you ask for; you may get it.
The new change being pushed at us is an example of the tail wagging the dog. Government is trying to exceed its role. If it succeeds, it will prove its fallacy soon enough, but remember, government never is wrong. They just pass a new bill, raise taxes or print more money.
How would we overcome that course? Not easily or readily. In God we trust.
George Koesters