So, the Oakwood City Council is going after illegal immigration. Well, big whoopty-doo.
The Oakwood City Council sure does talk the talk, but can’t walk the walk. Just awhile back, the council passed a thing called the nuisance ordinance. A certain government official has told me that he is not to enforce it, and that the enforcement officer has been told the same thing by the council.
So, what is the point of passing it if it not going to be enforced? Sounds like the council has gotten fat and happy in jobs that require no results whatsoever. If you’re going to pass laws, and not let them be enforced, maybe it is time for the present council to go.
When your neighbors leave trash and junk cars in the yard, and the ordinance is not enforced, what makes them think they can go after a bigger issue like immigration? They won’t even enforce the nuisance ordinance. For example, getting a trash can to keep the trash from getting spread all over by dogs, furniture all over the yards, beer cans thrown anywhere they please and junk cars, etc.
Council, please do not insult the smarts of the people who you serve if you are not going to do your job. Time has come for a change in Oakwood City Council. Time has passed y’all by.
Richard Glover
Singers brought joy
to The Senior Center
There was a wonderful group of ladies who visited The Senior Center this week singing spiritual songs and songs for the Christmas season. They were greatly enjoyed by all.
They also brought a precious little baby who brought baby Jesus to mind. The baby was happy and raised its hand in the air to the timing of the spiritual songs and acted as if it was singing along with the others. What joy to listen and watch!
The members at The Senior Center joined in the singing also. What a happy time! Thanks to the visiting singers and all who joined in for the beginning of a wonderful holiday season. May you all be blessed.
Phoebe Vickers
Flowery Branch