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Your Views: Gainesville doesnt need another gas station
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According to the article in Wednesday's Times, our learned city council has approved the building of a gas station against the wishes of the people.

As stated, the city was offered $225,000 for infrastructure. Is this a payoff to the city and the council members who voted for the station? That's how I and I am sure, other people interpret it.

If there is such a need for a gas station on this corner, why not use the one that is closed across the street? Could it not be converted to a RaceTrac station and not have to offend the people of Seasons on Lanier? It appears our council needs to look at finding better things to make decisions on and maybe just start saying no.

We have plenty of gas stations, as well as an overabundant number of used-car lots. The city is starting to look trashy. These have no place among the nice buildings and the new courthouse.

Don Griffiths

Hawks gave their fans a reason to cheer
I am like a sports columnist rushing to write my article about the seventh game of the NBA playoffs with the Atlanta Hawks vs. the Boston Celtics. How am I different besides the fact that I am not an official writer? I am still proud of the Hawks and want to remind everyone to be proud, too.

I am a local Gainesville native who has followed her home town teams over her lifetime. Yes, I remember many milestones in Atlanta sports history. Like the 1990 turn around from last to first place achieved by the Braves, and then on the 1995 World Series Championship. Next, the 1998 trip to the Super Bowl by the Falcons. And most recently, our Hawks going to the playoffs for the first time in nine seasons.

I am tired of the articles saying they didn't deserve to be in the playoffs or that they would be swept in the series against the No. 1 seeded Celtics. Well, in my opinion, they proved many wrong like so many underdog teams do. I wish I could send each player a personal message of congratulations and a job well done.

I have been a fan for years, and I believe 2008 is the milestone the Hawks have been waiting for. Don't count them out and don't think they won't be back for more playoff runs. I have followed them all year, and I saw many shining moments.

Did I enjoy Sunday's game? Of course not, but it is not the main story in the bright hopeful future our home team has. I believe, and I'm glad to be a Hawks fan even though I remember when.

Christine Martin

Law officers asking for ID is not harassment
I commend Sheriff Cronic and his department in their efforts on illegal immigration. They are attempting to do what should have been done long ago, and obviously it has to start with Smalltown, America.
Our jails are already crowded with American citizens that our tax dollars are having to pay for. Why should we have to do the same with illegal immigrants?

I believe attorneys Kennedy, Corso and Diaz have gotten way off course with what they are implying. How is asking for Social Security cards at traffic stops being "harassing?" If they are here legally, they would have no worry.

Do not most illegal immigrants obtain fraudulent IDs? To ask for a Social Security card would only verify the information on the ID. An ID is extremely easy to get; even a middle school-age child can get one. A Social Security card is not so easy.

Why does this program not make sense to apply to those here illegally, regardless of what landed them in jail? It obviously cannot apply to those that have taken the appropriate steps to become a legal American citizen. Have they forgotten what the term "illegal" means? The mere fact of being such indicates the law is broken. If not, why do so many go into hiding when ICE is mentioned?

It's time Americans took our country back. Again, thank you Sheriff Cronic and everyone who takes part in enforcing this law.

Jennifer Adams
Flowery Branch

Yarbrough had it right on Carter's behavior
Jimmy Carter is not deserving of respect or deference for his painfully stupid moves to legitimize terror groups and anti-American dictators. His past and present pandering and support for the world's worst bigots and hate groups (Arafat, Castro, Hamas, North Korea, etc); his taking money from open Holocaust deniers for his Center in Atlanta; his embarrassing books and speeches; his anti-Semitism (yes, anti-Semitism); his unwillingness to talk to anyone who disagrees with him; his self-rightneousness; and his ego make him an embarrassment for Georgians and the country.

There is a reason 44 states voted for Reagan in 1980. Do us a favor and stay home at Plains and work the farm.

Et Gentin