Truett-McConnell College announces that Christina Davis, Kristofor Hellmeister, Cory Smith, and Heather Nelson of Hall County were named to the President's Club for fall semester 2010 with a perfect 4.0 academic average.
Truett-McConnell College announces that Hayden Fleming, Marjorie McClain, Trey Ivey, Mitchell Johnson, Hillary Ledford, Lana Palmer, Micah Risinger, Joy Smith, and Robert Williams of Hall County were named to the dean's list for fall semester 2010 with an academic average of 3.50 or higher.
As a new addition to its ever-growing online program, Shorter University has announced plans to launch its Master of Arts in Teaching in Early Childhood Education (P-5) degree in fall 2011.
The majority of the program requirements can be completed online with students coming to the Shorter University campus for an orientation and an additional seminar prior to student teaching.
MAT degree coursework will be offered and is designed for prospective students who have already earned an undergraduate degree.
Amanda Albertson, a senior at Shorter University in Rome, has been named to the dean's list for the fall semester with a 4.0 grade point average.
She is a graduate of North Hall High School in Gainesville.