Classic cars, live music and family fun come together for a good cause. The Northeast Georgia Diagnostic Clinic 2010 Heart Walk Team will hold the annual Car Show to benefit the American Heart Association at 11 a.m. on Saturday.
"The first annual car show was put together in 2 weeks; with much help from the community and word of mouth we raised about $1,200 and had about 25 cars, said Nikki Sullens of the Northeast Georgia Diagnostic Clinic. "This will be the third annual Happy Heart Car Show and we have added a few more events in with it." We will have local vendors coming ... and have been selling spaces for yard sales." "We will have entertainment; Larry Scroggs, Re-Generation (contemporary gospel band) and cloggers. We had about 200 people last year come through." Sullens hopes to raise about $7,000 for the AHA. The event will take place at the Guilford Medical Complex, 1240-1250 Jesse Jewell Pkwy, Gainesville until 3 p.m. Yonah Burger will be selling food and beverages.
Car show benefits AHA