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Stepmother's testimony wraps up state's case in boating death trial
Defense begins today
0219trial 2
DNR Sgt. Steve Seitz in Hall County Superior Court examines the tow rope — introduced by defense attorney Jeffery Talley — that pulled 11-year-old Kile Glover and then-15-year-old Jordan Shepp on an inflatable raft behind a pontoon boat in July 2012. Jeffrey Hubbard of Atlanta is on trial on charges of homicide by vessel and other counts. - photo by NAT GURLEY
The state concluded its case Tuesday against Jeffrey Hubbard, an Atlanta man accused of homicide in the boating death of 11-year-old Kile Glover. The state’s final witness was Marsha Glover, the stepmother of Kile, and an eyewitness aboard the pontoon boat in the moments before the crash between Hubbard’s personal watercraft and the kids on a tube, attached to the pontoon by a ski rope. “I saw Jeff coming in as if he was coming directly towards the boat,” Glover said.