Clocks should be set back one hour this weekend as daylight saving time ends at 2 a.m. Sunday, but fire officials remind everyone to also check smoke alarms and change the batteries.
The approach of cooler weather and the need for home heating equipment means the risk of house fires increases.
“Working smoke alarms cut your risk of dying in a fire in half,” said Hall County Fire Marshal Capt. Scott Cagle. “About one-quarter of all smoke alarms that are installed in residences are not working due to a dead or missing battery. Approximately 40 percent of all fire deaths occur in homes where the smoke alarm is not working.”
Cagle also suggested checking the interior of the alarm to make sure it is free of dust or other materials, and replacing the unit if it is more than 10 years old.
But having a working smoke alarm is just the first step. Cagle recommended making sure your family has a plan of escape if the smoke alarm does sound — and practice your plan.
Anyone with questions about fire safety measures for homes and contact Lt. Beverley Walker, Hall County Fire Services, at 770-531-6838 or