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On April 28, The Times printed a letter written by Jason Shreeram in which he took it upon himself to criticize our advertising methods (yard signs). He did not like our gun store signs being near the high school.
What he failed to mention was the fact that our store is located on John Morrow Parkway, directly across from the high school along with another gun store, and that we have a billboard there, too. We are a small, family-owned business just trying to make it, yet Mr. Shreeram seems to think we are promoting violence because our store is legally located near a city school (where our children attend). This is insulting.
Mr. Shreeram insinuates that we are advertising to minors and going to cause another Columbine. That is not only outrageous, it is malicious. We are law abiding members of this community who own and operate a legal business.
At the Georgia Gun Store we promote gun safety, defensive thinking and self protection. We do not promote violence and we sure don't sell guns to minors. We sell handguns, rifles and non-lethal weapons to people who want to be able to protect themselves if the need ever arises.
Ignorance and innuendos do more harm than a gun sign and law-abiding citizens have a right to own a gun if they so choose.
Michael and Kellie Weeks