In a ceremony held before Monday's regularly scheduled work session, Chief Superior Court Judge Andrew Fuller swore in two recently re-elected members of the Hall County Board of Commissioners.
Commissioner Billy Powell and commission Chairman Tom Oliver took their oaths of office, pledging to continue to serve Hall County.
Powell brought up some of the past accomplishments of the commission, including the new jail, as examples of good teamwork and progress for Hall County.
"As a commissioner I've learned you win some and lose some in the popularity contest, but what is most important is keeping the taxpayers' best interests at heart. That's what I was elected to do and that's what I will continue to do in my next term," Powell said.
Powell said in his second four-year term, he hopes to work with the county on upcoming special purpose local option sales tax, or SPLOST, projects if the referendum is passed in March.
Powell beat Chris Masters in July to keep his District 2 seat.
After taking his oath of office, Oliver stated his commitment to the county.
"There is not a better place in the world to live, and there's not a better place in the world to raise a family," Oliver said. "We understand the challenges to the community now because the economic situations are somewhat unknown.
"However I can assure you this commission will make sure everything is in place and intact and you will be very comfortable."
Oliver ran unopposed. He has served as chairman since 2005.