Gainesville and Hall County public works staffs are teaming up to fix road problems on Industrial Boulevard.
As Hall County engineers drafted a list of possible streets for a state-funded resurfacing program, they moved it to the top of the list.
"It's a city section and then a county section and then a city section," said Jody Woodall, a county civil engineer. "While we were determining which areas we're responsible for, we found a few spots where the city is in the middle of our jurisdiction."
Hall County engineers approached the city public works staff about working together, and both agreed to pave the street from Atlanta Highway to Queen City Parkway.
The Gainesville City Council approved its portion of the funding Tuesday.
"It'll be good to get that done," said Mayor Ruth Bruner after the unanimous vote.
"It'll be a big help to that street."
The city will pay $50,000 from council contingency funds to resurface 1,160 feet from Mountain Crest Drive to Dorsey Street and 850 feet from Mitchell Street to Queen City Parkway.
"We have a lot of roads with a lot of needs, so we won't pull this out of the existing roads fund," City Manager Kip Padgett told the council at Thursday's work session. "It'll come from the contingency fund."
Hall County staff will contract and manage the project, and the city will reimburse for the work performed on their road segments.
Now county staff will draft an intergovernmental agreement and present it to the Hall County Board of Commissioners for approval. Project work will begin this summer.
"I'm delighted to see our resolution on this because I noticed a story yesterday that Sandy Springs in the past five years has resurfaced 81 miles of city streets," said Gainesville City Council member Bob Hamrick. "That is a lot of streets to recover, and at the same time, I wonder how they're appropriating that much money. We should ask our public works directors to talk and see how they were able to accomplish that."