On Wednesday, Chloe turned 4 years old. I sat down that evening after she went to bed and wrote the following letter to her and Cole.
Dear Chloe and Cole,
As of today, I have been a daddy for four years. Four years! I can’t believe the time has gone by so fast!
Before the two of you came along, there is only one word to describe mine and Mommy’s life together: ordinary. We had an ordinary existence, with ordinary concerns. Since that day four years ago, though, our lives have been anything but ordinary. In fact, I don’t think “ordinary” will ever be an adequate description of our lives since the two of you came along.
If I were to pick a word to describe our lives today, it would be “extraordinary.” God has truly blessed
Mommy and me with the two of you. You’ve come into our lives and filled our hearts and our home with so much love.
I’ve given serious thought to taking your birth certificates, getting them framed and hanging them next to my diplomas from college, seminary, and my certificate of ordination.
Why? Because I count you two among my greatest accomplishments in life. I’m proud of being a part of bringing two children into the world who are so wonderful, beautiful, smart, loving and, yes, silly.
This is probably a good time to tell you that as much as Mommy and I love you, we won’t always see eye-to-eye on everything. Just like we sometimes argue over bedtimes and how much food you have to eat before getting dessert, when you get older we’ll argue over things like homework, curfews, allowances and Cole’s girlfriends.
Chloe, we won’t argue over your boyfriends, because I’m not going to let you date. Ever. Yes, it’s a double standard. Deal with it.
When we argue, however, I want you to remember one thing above all else: Mommy and I love you.
We may not always agree on things, but that will never affect the way we feel about you. And as hard as it may be to understand (or believe), the decisions Mommy and I make are for your benefit, not your detriment.
The Bible says that children are a gift from God, and a reward (Psalm 127:3). I don’t know what I ever did to deserve God giving me two children who are as great as you (it must be Mommy he’s rewarding, not me), but I’m not complaining.
I love you. I could say those words over and over from this moment until the day I die and it would never adequately express, nor exhaust the depth of love I have for you.
You will always be my children. I will always be your daddy. I will love you forever.
Parrish Myers is pastor of Pine Crest Baptist Church in Gainesville.