By allowing ads to appear on this site, you support the local businesses who, in turn, support great journalism.

Open October 2 through October 31, 2019

The Times, owned by Metro Market Media, is the sole host of the Best of Hall County readers’ choice annual competition. Please let us know if anyone reaches out to you and indicated they are involved in this contest in any way. Contact us at


    Open November 3 through November 29 

How often can I vote?  Each person can vote once per day per category during the voting period, which is November 3 through November 29.
Can I create multiple user accounts or email addresses to vote from?  No, users should only have one voting account per person.   Please note that the company that administers this contest will flag suspicious voting patterns, and may remove votes that violate the terms of this contest. 
Can a business pay to win?  No. The winners are determined by the numbers of votes they receive.
Can I campaign for my business?   Campaigning is fine but bribery is not. To be specific, it's okay to enter your customers/clients/supporters into a raffle if they vote, but not okay to give them a gift or offer payment in exchange for votes. For example, you can hold a voter appreciation raffle, and award someone a prize, but it has to be a raffle with a random drawing.  Awarding something to the person who votes the most would be a rules violation, as would giving something for each voter. Offering a donation or other prize contingent upon your winning a category would also be a violation of the rules.

I see ads for businesses on some of the categories, how can I get one of those?  Those ads are available for anyone who wants to increase their visibility in the contest.  Remember, once a person votes in the category they came in for, they will likely continue to vote in more categories, so having more visibility is important. Using the Best of Hall 2020 logo as a nominee is not permitted. Past winners can use their previous "Best of Hall" logos, but the 2020 logo cannot be used, including in contest vote solicitations, during the contest. The exception is if you use a social media share function through the contest itself, which may populate your post or share with the contest header, which includes the logo-that is permitted.  Contact us via email at or call 770-535-6330 to learn more.  Some of the ads are limited to one per category and are available on a first-come, first-served basis. 
How are votes tracked?  We use a third-party company that utilizes a variety of systems and techniques to monitor voting patterns to assure a fair and equitable contest.  We reserve the right to remove fraudulent votes. 
Do you still have a question?  Email us or and thank you for participating in your Best of Hall Contest!