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Your Views: Rebuilding Fair Street school is among the key SPLOST needs
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Seventy-five year old Fair Street School is one of many needs supported by continuation of the education SPLOST.

I have enjoyed serving the children and schools of Gainesville and Hall County in my role as co-chairwoman of the Citizens for Better Education. Our grass-roots committee represents a diverse continuation of the one-penny education sales tax that has been in place for nearly 15 years in our community.

This next education SPLOST addresses needs for virtually every parent and child in Gainesville City Schools and Hall County Schools. Among the many school renovation projects covered under this funding would be the rebuilding of the Fair Street School, which is dearest to my heart.

Nearly 75 years old, Fair Street School in Gainesville still stands today as a symbol of unity in our community due to its key role during our early desegregation days. But it is only barely standing and in desperate need of rebuilding.

I attended Fair Street, as did all my brothers and sisters. So this neighborhood school is like sacred ground to my family and me. However, I am voting "yes" in support of the education SPLOST to save not only my neighborhood school, but to lend a hand to every school child and parent in our community.

I also am supporting this sales tax because I believe it to be the fairest and most economical way to pay for the educational needs of our most important natural resource.

Please join me in support of our next generation by voting yes at the polls on March 15.

Deborah Mack
Co-chairwoman, Citizens for Better Education 2011, Gainesville