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Your Views: Florida should develop its own water sources
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Never in my life have I ever been more surprised as I was when I read the statement Barack Obama made regarding water supply for Florida's mussel industry. If that represents the kind of action he will take as president, I have more concern than ever with him being in the White House.

Does he forget that Lake Lanier should be supplying the water for its own state first? Lake Lanier is at an all-time low, isn't it? Do we not have our own fish in our lakes? Does the water level in Lake Lanier affect our economy?

Or is Obama so wrapped up in winning an election that he will promise one thing to one state while taking away from another one?

What other kind of statement is this man going to shoot from his mouth? This is downhome stupidity. My personal opinion about this man is there is a whole lot of air between his ears.

Georgians remember this when you vote. I'm afraid of such off the cuff comments that seem to come right out of the air without any forethought whatsoever. Obviously he does not have Georgia's best interest at heart. What will be the next revelation? The president should represent all of us, right?

I noticed on a trip to Florida, Alabama and Florida had water overflowing the banks while Lake Lanier displayed red mud. In addition, Floridians could certainly help their economy by creating water purification plants in their own state, creating jobs for their high employment rate.

After all, they have water on the east coast, west coast and the southern most tip. Why in the world would they need Georgia's water? Do they pay Georgia for the water? I doubt it but I would love to hear the answer anyway.

Bobby Slaton

Obama's backing of Fla. is no slight to Ga.
Let's say a hypothetical candidate for mayor, in a speech to the Association of Lake Lanier Marina Operators, states, "Boating on Lake Lanier is an essential part of the economy and should be encouraged." The next day, in a speech to Gainesville Citizens for a Cleaner Lake Lanier, the same candidate states, "Clean drinking water is essential to the health of all our citizens and must be protected."

Most people would agree that the candidate did not say, "Boats are making the water dirty" to one group while saying, "Who needs clean drinking water?" to the other group. Yet, local politicians, with the aid of the Times' and its blazing Saturday front-page story: "Our Lake in Crisis: Obama backs Florida," would have readers believe that because Obama is for protecting Florida's water resources that he is therefore against protecting Georgia's water resources.

This type of news reporting is extremely misleading. Obviously, The Times is entitled to endorse any candidate or party it prefers. However, I believe it is the paper's responsibility to confine editorials to the editorial page.

May I also say that the behavior of politicians who continue to refer to Obama as "this guy" (Sen. Saxby Chambliss) or "that one" (Sen. John McCain) is rude and uncivilized.

Teresa Pacheco

Mule Camp was a winner
I think every one who attended Mule Camp had a great time. It is impossible to imagine the number of hours and the amount of work that goes into an event like that.

Thank you Jaycees for carrying on a tradition that Gainesville can be proud of. It is people like you who make this a wonderful place to live. Your efforts give twice: first for a weekend of fun for all the community, but then, again, as you use the money raised to give back to those who need it. Please be assured you were appreciated.

Marty Owens