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Real estate picture is brighter here than elsewhere
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Remember that real estate is local. While national, state, or even some local news may sound challenging, people need to be plugged in to what is actually happening in your neighborhood.

We offer this valuable information to our clients and friends. Seek out your local real estate expert. They should offer it to you, too.

Hall County leads the nation, Georgia, and all of its county neighbors in one huge aspect of real estate recovery: the increase in the number of homes sold year over year. Through researching all metropolitan Atlanta counties with GAMLS and FMLS data, it is our conclusion that Hall County is the best real estate market in the entire region. 

The top 3 counties in the percentage increase in the number of homes sold in 2010 over the same time period in 2009 were:

• Hall County had a 9.7 percent increase in 2010 sales.

• Forsyth County had a 4.5 percent increase in 2010 sales.

• Dawson County had a 3.9 percent increase in 2010 sales.

The top three counties in the percentage increase in the number of homes sold in 2011 (through Sept. 1) over the same time period in 2010 are:

• Hall County has a 23.4 percent increase in 2011 sales.

• Gwinnett County has a 22.4 percent increase in 2011 sales.

• Cobb County has a 16.3 percent increase in 2011 sales.

We have a multitude of reasons to love this area that we call home. We are blessed that our local economy is doing so much better than others around us.

Brad Abernathy