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PSC member did not listen to publics input at July meeting
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I wanted to respond to Doug Everett's response, "PSC is watching nuclear plant projects closely," to Joan King's column last week. I attended the PSC meeting in Atlanta on July 6 on the rate sharing mechanism, which was open for public input. The process, which is supposed to allow public comment to the commissioners, was a sham.

This was the first hearing post-Fukushima accident. So naturally, the public had increasing concerns around the PSC's business-as-usual approach of whatever Southern Co. wants, Southern Co. gets.

I have never been so outraged. Not only did Commissioner Everett not listen to the public speakers, he was actually badgering them on what they could say at the microphone. See transcripts at (Docket 29849).

As the meeting went on, it became increasingly clear he was not interested in hearing the public concerns about new information that became available as the result of the disaster at Fukushima as it pertained to the regulation of Plant Vogtle's proposed reactors three and four.

Because of Commissioner Everett's blatant disregard for new and relevant information as well as the public concern, he clearly isn't watching anything but obstacles standing in the way of Southern Co. profit.

Amanda Hill-Attkisson
East Point