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I would like to know what planet Carole Scandrol lives on or at the least, what flavor Kool-Aid she's drinking. Sure the government can operate like an individual or business. No entity can operate spending more money than it brings in for an extended period of time. It boils down to government getting back to taking care of what it's supposed to and eliminating all the extras.
Where are these tax cuts you speak of? I didn't see any. I'll tell you where they went. They went to Obama's large corporate donor cronies and labor unions. You can look it up. The stimulus was nothing but a short term band-aid handed out as a reward for donating to his campaign.
What's the problem with Republican-led state governments? These states are operating in the black or break-even. States with the most severe budget issues such as California, New York and Michigan, to name a few, have been run by the Democrats for the past several decades.
If you are yearning for four more years of Obama, then may I suggest you go ahead and move to Greece, Spain or a number of other Western European countries immediately. This is where Obama's vision has the U.S. headed.
Government, especially our form of government, is designed where the people support the government. The liberal philosophy has completely turned this around to where people want the government to support them. As Margaret Thatcher said "the problem with socialism is, you eventually run out of other people's money."
We have got to shrink the size of our government and reign in the entitlement spending or the USA will be no more.
Ben Terrell