What do you think? Send us your thoughts in a letter to the editor. Click here for a form and letters policy or send to letters@gainesvilletimes.com (no attached files please). Include your full name, hometown and a contact number for confirmation.
I heard the president say today that the average American citizen doesn't keep up with aspects of the debt, GDP, etc. Maybe not, but unlike the president, we have enough sense to know that you cannot spend your way out of debt, nor spend money you don't have.
Furthermore, we know the trillions of dollars the president spent on the so-called stimulus had little to no effect.
We also know these are scare tactics the Democrats are using by saying the social security checks may not go out Aug. 3.
These types of scare tactics have been used for, I know, 60 years by the Democrats. Raise the debt limit and this country goes further down the drain.
The president's mouthpiece said yesterday that the job problem will not be a factor in the 2012 election. Huh?
God help us if we have to put up with Barack Hussein Obama another four years. Oh, by the way, how are you folks who voted for Obama doing today?
Paul S. Barnes
Flowery Branch