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Letter attacking intolerance showed intolerance itself
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Re: "The real threat to America comes from intolerant views." The original article by Jim Scharnagel regarding his views of Islam was rebutted by a follow-up editorial by Kyle Shook. Shook's theme was all about intolerance.

Let's examine his choice of phraseology within his editorial as he accuses Scharnagel of:

"Incredible racism, paranoia and demented rabid intolerance."

"Ill-informed ignorant vigilantes with all the charm of neo-Nazis perhaps the most frightening of any terrorist attack."

"Horribly anti-American, unconstitutional and has all the rhetoric that George Wallace's and Adolf Hitler's love-child would possess."

"Point of view simply based on idiotic prejudice."

"Let him wallow in his distressing egotistical ignorance."

"Ignorant anti-Islamic extremists."

And finally, he lost any vestige of credibility when he threw all Southerners under the bus by saying, "I'm going to assume the author's lack of either knowledge about Islam or constitutional principles of religious intolerance stems from a general type of cultural ignorance that prevails in the Southeast."

For me, I'm intolerant of intolerance.

Greg Wojcik