What do you think? Send us your thoughts in a letter to the editor. Click here for a form and letters policy or send to letters@gainesvilletimes.com (no attached files please). Include your full name, hometown and a contact number for confirmation.
To all you illegal immigrants, don't threaten us to leave if you don't get what you want: Just go. We won't stop you. Then maybe legal people can get their jobs back and be able to keep their homes, cars and keep food on the table.
We also pay taxes before getting our paychecks which you fail to do so. You and your fake identifications are breaking our country. You want everything for free that we have had to work for all our lives. If you don't like our rules, then leave.
To all our state and federal officials, wake up and enforce our laws. It's the taxpayers who pay your salaries, not the freeloaders. Maybe you should have salary cuts and lose your jobs for not enforcing our laws and see how that feels.
I am a proud American who has worked and has paid taxes all my life, raised my family and have them raise their family the American way and expect the same from others.
Barbara Palmer
Flowery Branch