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Dear Rep. Tom Graves: I want to offer a resounding, Thank you, for your vote against raising the debt limit of America.
I believe that, America works best when Americans work.
Raising the debt limit again as President Barack Obama, Sen. Harry Reid and Rep. Nancy Pelosi wanted to do, only allows increased spending to fund entitlements and social programs that are not valid constitutionally and are destructive to the fabric of America.
If we continue to punish good behavior (work) with increased taxes and reward bad behavior (not working, unions, welfare, etc.) we will destroy the greatest economic engine in the history of the world, American capitalism. It has created tremendous economic success and social welfare to all who want to work for a living.
Thank you for your leadership position in shifting the national debate from how to raise taxes to how to cut spending. You represent our North Georgia common sense values of thrift, industry, and "there ain't no free lunch." Thank you again.
Carl Liggett