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I would like to comment on an article that was recently published in the newspaper concerning the possible closing of an important piece of our Gainesville community. The article stated that the Gainesville Outreach Center on Athens Highway could be facing eviction soon if not for a measly $4,000 to $5,000.

This center is there to help veterans and underprivileged kids of the area and I cannot believe that we as a community may be sitting back to allow this to happen. I really think that when things like this come up the city should have a backup plan to offer assistance.

It would help, if not already in place, if every city would have a "petty cash" fund set aside to assist, like now, with worthwhile programs such as Outreach Center. I would be very willing to pay an extra 1 cent tax to start a "kitty." Don't allow places like this to close their doors.

And about what happened to the center a couple of Christmases ago. This center was vandalized and several thousands of dollars worth of toys were taken. Toys that were meant for the underprivileged kids of the community. Could anybody tell me what kind of people could bring themselves to do such a thing? The lowest of the low.

Again, let's do something, anything that we can do to keep places like the Outreach Center open. They are worthwhile.

Jay V. Huff