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Last week, the U.S. House of Representatives passed a budget for FY 2012 called "Cut, Cap, and Balance." The U.S. Senate would be expected to offer it's version of a 2012 budget. Next a committee would be formed to hammer out a budget acceptable to both houses and the president. That's the way the American people expect government to be managed.
But that won't happen this year. The Senate, controlled by the Democratic party have not passed a budget and presented it to the House of Representatives. In fact, the Democrats, with control of the House, the Senate and the presidency, were unable to pass a budget for fiscal 2011.
So, the Democrats in the Senate and their inept president, instead of offering a budget for fiscal 2012 to be voted on, today tabled the House budget. That means there is no plan for adjustment, compromise and consent.
The Senate Democrats and President Barack Obama have failed to perform their fundamental responsibility. All the bluster, press conferences and media presentations will not hide that failure.
Bruce W. Hallowell