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I wonder if Adrian Mixson is being honest regarding closing the Clermont Library or if he is trying to get revenge. Everyone knows of the controversy regarding the building of the library on Nopone Road. The new county commissioners, all except Craig Lutz, backed down in the end about the use of the building there.
My question is: Why would you close a library when the city of Clermont furnishes the building, the internet, the electricity, water, toilet paper, paper towels, etc.? The county furnishes an employee, a small amount of books and basic computers that work sometimes.
The Clermont library isn't state of the art; it doesn't have a coffee shop, nor a quarter amount of the books or the number of staff that the libraries in the south end of the county have.
Maybe Mr. Mixon should submit to the paper how much each library is costing the county and look to cut back in the ones that are costing the most.
Jane Thayer