What do you think? Send us your thoughts in a letter to the editor. Click here for a form and letters policy or send to letters@gainesvilletimes.com (no attached files please). Include your full name, hometown and a contact number for confirmation.
I have always loved Gainesville, ever since I moved to the area 25-plus years ago. But I have never been more proud to live here, then after attending the 2011 Citizens Government Academy.
These people, they are your neighbors, and genuinely care about their jobs. Our elected officials were there, too, offering support and answers. Our police, fire, water, community and park and rec services are beyond compare to what other cities offer their citizens.
Did you know that because of our fire services, we are one of the few cities to have the insurance iso rating of II? That saves all of us money. Plus makes us very safe. I could go on and on.
I urge you to attend next year's academy and learn how your city operates. You will be a better citizen for it and Gainesville will as well. I know how blessed I am to live here.
Deb Harkrider