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Joan King's column about the "right to choose one's death" published Tuesday was irresponsible and reckless. To say that I was taken aback and disgusted is a gross understatement. Ms. King writes some outrageous articles, but this one topped them all.
To say that we have the right to choose when our life ends is by all means our "right." However, it is a selfish choice. Suicide, including assisted suicide, leaves brokenhearted loved ones in its wake. To ask a loved one or a medical professional who has taken an oath to do no harm is asking for them to be an accomplice to or a straight-out murderer.
What about the survivors of the ones who assisted in that practice? What kind of guilt, shame or horror will they live with the rest of their days knowing they were a party to ending someone's life? The psychological and emotional prices that would be paid are too high a price, not to mention the morality of our society is compromised even further.
In addition, for Ms. King to suggest that organ transplant recipients do not meet their demise at their intended time and that organ transplants is playing God is ludicrous! It is God who gives doctors the knowledge and skill to be able to perform this medical feat. It is He who does the miraculous healing.
There are transplant recipients who do not survive. Does that mean we end the practice of organ donation? Of course not. Whether our lives are extended or not should be left only to the wisdom of the "great physician."
Does this mean that the lives of babies who are born less than perfect are not precious? Does this mean that chemotherapy is denied to cancer patients because they might not survive anyway? Does this mean that dementia patients have no dignity or quality of life left?
No. No. No. A resounding no.
This stance says, "If you're too sick/too old/too whatever, then your life has no value."
For our society to accept, tolerate and promote such barbaric acts is reprehensible.
God have mercy on us all if this becomes the accepted, promoted and practiced norm.
Amanda Phagen