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Blowout games dont provide positive lessons
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As I looked over the scores for the Friday games, I was disturbed at the large number in which the loser was not only beaten but completely humiliated: 66-7, 44-0, 55-0, 48-3, 55-6. These were scores in just the top 30 listed.

What about the players on the losing end? Is this experience one that will be of value down the road? If handled correctly, it may have some value, but that’s a maybe.

What about the players on the winning team? How long did the starters remain in the game? Did most all get to be a part of the victory? Did they all get to play?

I know of one situation in which there was a lopsided score and only a few played. The starters were in most of the game. Were there unhappy people in that situation? You’d better believe it!

What kind of atmosphere is created between those two communities? Are we developing leaders that are humble and are concerned about creating goodwill and cooperation? I think not.

Some may say, “you are not being realistic. That’s the nature of the sport.” I do not agree. Admittedly, there are times, a few, in which the score gets out of hand, but that doesn’t happen with those regulars still in the game. That doesn’t happen when the coach is concerned about all his players and those with whom he is competing.

Coaches have a great opportunity to have a positive influence on potential leaders and the community. This should be at the top of their priorities. It doesn’t happen when you take advantage of those who are not as fortunate. You do make a statement when this occurs.

Jim Lofton