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Yesterday's television coverage reported a poll showing that 47 percent of those polled were displeased with the tea party. I have to ask why.
The majority of both Democrats and Republicans are not looking to the long-term welfare of our country. Many on both sides of the aisle are more interested in being re-elected than taking the difficult measures necessary to restore our nation to its former glory.
Many predicted that the sky would fall if a debt deal wasn't achieved. Low and behold, the sky fell when our elected representatives caved and approved another massive increase in our debt ceiling. It appears that the rest of the world recognizes that we can not spend our way to prosperity. We must take steps to rein in spending and decrease our national debt.
As far as taxes are concerned, our president continues to wage cultural warfare against those who produce the greatest percentage of taxes. He ignores the recommendations of his own advisors in the Simpson-Bowles report, which recommends a revision of the tax code that will spur the economy and make the U.S. the most desirable place for the world to do business and will increase revenues. Implementing those ideas will have the greatest impact on our financial situation.
The tea party represents our citizens who recognize the need to return to constitutional governance and financial responsibility. They are the only ones who were willing, in the recent debate, to remain committed to the wishes of their constituency.
When it comes time to vote, seek the tea party candidates. They are the ones who have sworn to make this country a better place for your children and grandchildren.
Thomas Day