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Letter: Times should have reported effort to rename courthouse
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As a subscriber of this “newspaper” for some 60 years, I am accustomed to you guys reporting some mundane local events while missing some real news, but not reporting Doug Collins’ efforts to name the local federal courthouse after Judge Sidney O Smith is inexcusable. This happens to be news to a lot of people that knew and loved Judge Smith, who was born and lived here most of his life.

I understand there is a congressional race going on and you may think you have some reason not to give Congressman Collins credit for steering this bill through the House, but not to write something about this event is again inexcusable. Thank goodness we have other news outlets that do report when there is real news around here.

If my wife didn’t want to read your paper for the comics, I would end our 60 year relationship. Anyone in charge around there?

Gene Cobb

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