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Letter: Theres no cause to celebrate this failed president
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I greatly disagree with Dick Meyer’s “give thanks for Obama” tribute and suspect at least 60 percent or more of Americans do. I feel he has greatly overestimated any success he attributes to Obama.

He mentions how “strong” our economy is under Obama. I assume he is unaware we have a $19 trillion debt and rising, and no individual, business or government can withstand that cost indefinitely. Anyone under age 45 will pay a significant price in their future standard of living.

He also neglects the number of people who have quit looking for jobs. Estimates of unemployment are in the 5-6 percent range, but counting folks who have stopped looking, the numbers approach 18 percent. He also neglects how many folks are underemployed, working at levels far below their abilities.

He makes no mention of the greatly inflated tax rates that encourage businesses to move jobs overseas and prohibit them from bringing back profits to the U.S. And what about the Social Security System, which heads toward economic disaster for younger generations. Obama’s policies are an economic disaster today and will become more severe in the future.

He mentions a lack of scandals. He neglects the phony businesses Obama had the Energy Department support that all went broke but gave political contributions to Democrats. He also forgot the IRS targeting conservative groups and charities. And what about the billions of dollars paid to incapable computer companies to develop software for Obamacare, with no competitive bidding, costing taxpayers billions and delaying implementation?

I also assume he is not aware of the Hillary Clinton scandals involving illegal servers, lies and made-up stories about a video leading to the killing of State Department and military personnel in Libya. Obama and his administration have been involved in more scandals that Michael Jackson, but no liberal media person has the guts to publish them.

He also must feel Obama has no responsibility for race relations at a dangerous level, mainly due to his words and actions and those of his attorneys general. Racism has no color; there are white and black racists. There is no doubt he has played the “race card” every chance he gets to buy votes, at the expense of many noble people, especially police.

He also does not understand how much Obama has put America at risk due to his lack of foreign policy or policy on terrorism. He will not accept the fact radical Islam is a problem. His lack of a foreign policy has been a disaster. Between he and Clinton, name one enemy of the U.S. that they improved relations with. Zero. And what “friendly” countries has he helped our relations with? Again, zero. And nations we needed to work better with, like Russia and China; again, we only went backward. The only way to describe the job of Obama and Hillary is “total disaster.” Our enemies hate us more and our friends respect us less and have less confidence in the U.S.

Obviously, Mr. Meyer wears some pretty thick rose-colored glasses when it comes to Obama and the disaster his eight years have wrought our nation.

Frank Frederick