Now that the mad dog gun advocates in our legislature have drafted another gun rights bill promoting and encouraging college students to carry their six shooters on campus, tell me: Where are these life-saving, constitutionally inalienable right to own, pearl-handled killing devices to be stored once the student arrives at the Dawgs game?
Will they be ditched into the hedges while at the game? Will they be checked at the gate and hung on a peg board to be picked up after the game? And after a few beers?
And what about when the student arrives at their dorm or fraternity or sorority house? Will there be a gun toter’s box at the front door to drop off your weapon before entering? I haven’t heard of a provision for putting their weapon in a secure location while in their dorm or at the ballgame. And do they carry into classrooms?
Next session of the General Assembly, I think our esteemed legislators should work on passing a bill to lower the age of carrying a weapon to birth. And for sure, let’s have all Georgia preschoolers carry, too. We have lots of bullies and ne’er-do-wells in the 3-4 year age group.
Really, it’s the right of all Americans to be armed at all times regardless. They could make it a law that all birthing centers and hospitals must give baby-sized pistols to newborns as part of their goodie package as they go home. Velcro it to their car seat!
To quote Mark Twain (who may or may not have been pro-gun): “One man alone can be pretty dumb sometimes, but for real, bona fide stupidity, there ain’t nothing can beat teamwork.”
There you go; now our lawmakers have something to work on over the summer.
Claudia Simpson
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