My husband and I have substantial concerns regarding the spot zoning of land on our road.
The Straight Street Revolution Ministries mission will be an open campus with only a gate across the drive and plantings to shield it from view. Trees take a long time to grow and would not restrict unauthorized access to the facility. Residents and anyone wishing them harm would have access to the property and to three neighborhoods.
It will also be located close to an elementary school, and Lanier Christian Academy has been approved for this area. Currently there is no plan in place to provide security to the residents of these neighborhoods.
This mission will primarily be staffed by volunteers. No information has been provided as to how extensively these volunteers will be trained to work with clients that have endured abuse, addiction and threats of harm. Nor do we know how the mission, in approximately one year, will provide these women with adequate treatment, education, job training and other skills they will need to be successful and earn more than minimum wage.
This facility will also serve other ministries sponsored by Straight Street, such as a food bank and Backpack Love. These ministries will also add to traffic on the road through our neighborhood.
A real estate agent has been consulted and has noted that this development and its increase in large vehicle traffic will greatly lower property values and the ability to sell homes in these neighborhoods. These are middle-class working communities and these homes, while modest, are a lifelong investment to the residents. The increase in traffic will provide a hazard to residents, their children and their pets as the road is narrow with frequent turns that block visibility of oncoming vehicles. This increase in traffic will further damage the surface of the road.
The Robsons are a wealthy family with great influence in Hall County. They have extensive real estate holdings in this county and have the means to purchase land for this project away from established neighborhoods.
The people in these communities are not uncaring about the needs of these women. However, we are united in the belief that their needs can be better met at another location.
Gina and Tim Dyer
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