Blue Sky concert series
Who: Swing Daddies on May 12, Brian Ulrich on May 19 and Russell Hall on May 26
When: Noon-1 p.m. Wednesdays through May
Where: Downtown Gainesville square
Main Street Gainesville couldn’t have asked for a more cloudless sky as it kicked off its biannual Blue Sky concert series Wednesday.
“I just wanted to enjoy some good music and some good weather,” said Brandon Kingrey, who, along with Cindy Clere, took a break in the day to enjoy the event on the downtown square.
Spectators filled the square, seated on benches and lawn chairs facing the performers, acoustic-based trio The Chris Waller Project.
Main Street is in its 12th year presenting the concert series, which takes place each May and October.
The May series will feature a different artist performing on the square — and a different restaurant serving up lunches — every Wednesday from noon to 1 p.m.
Wild Wing Cafe in Gainesville was the lone food vendor Wednesday, serving up a steady supply of lunches.
“We’re happy to be part of this,” said Trish Hall, restaurant co-owner. “This is a good thing for the community.”
Each concert will be broadcast live on TV 18, The Government Channel, and will be rebroadcast during the following week.
Angela Thompson, Main Street’s manager, said the series serves to “get people downtown and show them there are great things happening (here).”
“Whatever we can do to get people used to coming downtown, that’s what we want,” she added. “It is a vibrant part of our city — it’s the heart of our town — and you can see how many people are here.
“People love coming downtown and feeling the community.”
Mary Van Rekom of Gainesville said she has long enjoyed the Blue Sky series, along with the downtown area.
“We have covered the territory,” she said, smiling from underneath her straw hat.
Looking around, she said she was impressed by the gathering.
“Today’s crowd is better than it’s ever been for a first day (of the series).”