Many may find it hard to believe, but Agriculture is among the largest industries in Hall County. Hall County agriculture accounted for more than $275 million in farmgate income in 2006. And in Georgia, Agriculture is the number one industry by far, representing more than $10.5 billion in farmgate income in 2006.
When I say agriculture, you may think of only cows and chickens. And while poultry and cattle make up a significant portion of Hall County’s farm income, other commodities such as corn, hay, nursery and greenhouse production, sorghum, dairy, fruits, vegetables, wheat, pecans, Christmas trees, goats, horses and agritourism all contribute to the county’s total farm income.
In celebration of National Farm City Week, Hall County Cooperative Extension and the Greater Hall County Chamber of Commerce are honored to host the 2007 Annual Hall County Farm City Breakfast on Nov. 27 at the Chicopee Woods Agricultural Center.
The keynote speaker is Ms. Laura Meadows, associate vice president for economic development at the University of Georgia. Meadows’ previous experience includes serving as assistant secretary of state, commissioner of the Georgia Department of Community Affairs and executive director of the One-Georgia Authority.
Meadows has also served in numerous government and private groups including the Georgia Economic Developers Association, the Georgia Academy for Economic Development, the Georgia Rural Development Council and the State Workforce Investment Board. Raised on a farm, Meadows offers a unique perspective on the farm-business dynamic.
Sponsors making this event possible include Hall County Farm Bureau, Ag Georgia Farm Credit, Jaemor Farm Market, Chandler Equipment, Crystal Farms, Mar-Jac Poultry, Hall County Soil & Water Conservation District and Gainesville Bank and Trust.
The purpose of the Farm City Breakfast is twofold: (1) to highlight the impact of agriculture and agribusiness in Hall County, and (2) to educate and enlighten the entire community on the importance of agriculture to Hall County and the state of Georgia.
Also at the Farm City Breakfast, several local agricultural agencies and youth organizations will be on hand with displays and information about their programs and services.
We will begin the program at 7:30 a.m. with breakfast and should conclude by 9 a.m. Please join us on Nov. 27 as we recognize Hall County’s top industry, agriculture.
For more information or to RSVP, call the Extension office at 770-535-8293. Farmers, agribusiness leaders, and local residents interested in agriculture are invited to attend.
Billy Skaggs is a Hall County extension agent.