A pair of ospreys has been spotted building a nest on a cell tower off Ga. 20, just east of Trammel Road, not too far from Lake Lanier.Ospreys, large birds of prey who eat mostly fish, are known to nest in dead trees and even on bridges. A pair nested on Boling Bridge in recent years, disrupting Georgia Department of Transportation work.Experts at the Georgia Department of Natural Resources weren’t surprised to learn the raptors were setting up house on a cell tower in Forsyth.According to Jim Ozier, a DNR wildlife biologist, the species is “in pretty good shape right now, and with the lake nearby and good nesting sites, osprey should be doing fine for the foreseeable future.”Ozier said once nest building is complete, the female will lay her eggs, usually in a clutch of three. After about 30 days, the chicks will hatch.
Osprey pair nesting on cell tower off Ga. 20