All Georgia doctors performing abortions would have to report the number of procedures they do each year to the state under a bill passed by the Senate.
The proposal expands a 2005 law requiring only doctors who perform abortions at licensed abortion facilities to take that step.
Several Republican senators proposed the change on the chamber floor, adding it to a bill requiring that court officials report detailed information about girls younger than 17 seeking a judge’s exemption to Georgia’s requirement of parental notification before an abortion.
Sen. Bruce Thompson, R-White, said medical facilities other than those specifically licensed as abortion providers already perform the procedures and should have to meet the same reporting requirements.
The measure now returns to the House.
Sen. Nan Orrock, D-Atlanta, said the proposal will have a “chilling effect” on judges who hear the petitions and could harm young women requesting an exemption because of abuse by a parent or legal guardian.
“This is another step to making safe and legal abortion harder and harder to obtain and thereby fueling the illegal abortion industry,” Orrock said.