District contacts
- Phone: 770-534-1080
- Web site: www.hallco.org
- Superintendent: Will Schofield
- Hall County Board of Education: Richard Higgins, chairman; Sam Chapman, Craig Herrington, Nath Morris and Brian Sloan.
2008-09 calendar
- Aug. 4-6: Teacher planning
- Aug. 7: First day of school
- Aug. 29, Nov. 20, Jan. 16, Feb. 13, April 3: Early release days
- Sept. 1: Labor Day holiday
- Oct. 13-14, Dec. 19, Jan. 5, Feb. 2: Students off; teacher planning
- Nov. 26-28: Thanksgiving holiday
- Dec. 22-Jan. 2: Winter break
- Jan. 19: Martin Luther King Day holiday
- Feb. 16: President's Day holiday
- April 6-10: Spring break
- May 22: Last day of school
- May 26-27: Teacher post-planning
Testing schedule
- First grade: Criterion-Referenced Competency Tests, or CRCT, April 15-27
- Second grade: Iowa Tests of Basic Skills, or ITBS, Nov. 10-14; CRCT, April 15-27
- Third grade: ITBS, Nov. 10-14; Grade 3 Writing Assessment, March 16-27; CRCT, April 15-27
- Fourth, sixth and seventh grades: ITBS, Nov. 10-14; CRCT, April 15-27
- Fifth grade: ITBS, Nov. 10-14; Grade 5 Writing Assessment, March 4; CRCT, April 15-27
- Eighth grade: ITBS, Nov. 10-14; Grade 8 Writing Assessment, Jan. 21; CRCT, April 15-27; End-of-Course Tests, May 12-14
- Ninth-12th grades: End-of-Course Tests, Dec. 9-11, May 12-14 and otherwise to be announced
- 10th grade: Preliminary SAT, Oct. 15
- 11th-12th grades: High School Graduation Tests, March 16-20; High School Graduation Writing Test, Sept. 24; High School Graduation Tests retakes, Sept. 15-18, Nov. 10-15 and July 13-15; High School Graduation Writing Test retakes, Feb. 25 and July 13-14
- College-entrance exams: ACT, Sept. 13, Oct. 25, Dec. 13, Feb. 7, April 4 and June 13; SAT, Oct. 4, Nov. 1, Dec. 6, Jan. 24, March 14, May 2 and June 6
School operating times
- Elementary schools: 7:45 a.m.-2:25 p.m.
- Middle schools: 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m.
- High schools: 8:25 a.m.-3:25 p.m.
Note: Hours at some schools may vary slightly because of bus schedules.
Registration information
Parents enrolling their child at the neighborhood school must bring a birth certificate; Georgia Certificate of Ear, Eye and Dental Examinations; Georgia Certificate of Immunization; proof of residence, such as a telephone, gas, water, electric or cable bill; and Social Security card.
A child entering kindergarten must be 5 years old on or before Sept. 1 to be admitted to kindergarten. International families must register at the International Center, which is located near Johnson High School.
Open houses
- Elementary schools: 4-7 p.m. Aug. 6
- Middle Schools (Sixth Grade): 4-7 p.m. Aug. 4
- Middle Schools (Seventh & Eighth Grades): 4-7 p.m. Aug. 5
- High schools: 4-7 p.m. Aug. 28
Meal prices
- Breakfast: 85 cents, elementary students; $1, middle and high school students; $1.50, school system employees; Free and Reduced-Price program (must meet income guidelines), 30 cents; and $2.25, adults and visitors
- Lunch: $1.40, elementary students; $1.50, middle and high school students; $2.25, school system employees; Free and Reduced-Price program (must meet income guidelines), 40 cents; and $2.75, adults and visitors