The Jackson EMC Foundation, a charity funded by the donations of the cooperative’s members through the Operation Round Up program, has awarded $46,600 to four agencies that provide programs or services to the residents of Hall County. $15,000 was awarded to the Boys & Girls Clubs of Hall County for computers and software, instructor training and course instructor for Project Generation D, a creative digital arts curriculum which teaches club members 12-18 years old how to use technology to create digital content that effectively communicates their ideas and vision, and apply what they learn to their future careers. $12,000 was awarded to the United Methodist Children’s Home of North Georgia for its Financial Aid Program, which assists low income families with temporary family housing, medical bills and other related needs, such as transportation and child care, that impact their quality of life. $10,000 was awarded to the Vision and Hearing Care Program, a service of the Georgia Lions Lighthouse Foundation, to help provide surgical procedures to restore sight, eye exams and prescription eyewear for low-income residents in the 10 counties Jackson EMC serves, using Lighthouse medical equipment, volunteer doctors, staff and volunteers. $9,600 was awarded to Our Neighbor Inc, a Gainesville organization dedicated to assisting young adults with special challenges, to provide two developmentally disabled women with room, board, transportation, life skills training and social activities at Terrie’s House for Women, the organization’s first independent living facility for females. Any individual or charitable organization in the 10 counties served by Jackson EMC (Clarke, Banks, Barrow, Franklin, Gwinnett, Hall, Jackson, Lumpkin, Madison and Oglethorpe) may apply for a Foundation grant by completing an application, available online at or at local Jackson EMC offices. Applicants do not need to be a member of JacksonEMC. The GFWC-GaFWC Buford Lanier Woman’s Club awarded a $1,500 scholarship to each of the following female students from the 2012 graduating class of Buford High School: Cassandra Oliver of Buford, graduated with a GPA of 4.0 and will attend Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tenn.
Good News