Medallion awards were established at the Quinlan Visual Arts Center in 1992 in order to honor the exceptional volunteers that contribute significant personal time, expertise and resources to the center, enhancing the organization in a way that only the people that truly care about it can.
The bronze ‘medallions' are created by Joe Emery from an original mold by the late Bob Owens; proceeds from the medals are in turn donated to the Bob Owens scholarship fund at North Georgia College & State University.
Four Medallion Awards for 2010 have been given to the following individuals:
Carlos Dominguez
Vinson and Anne Trippe
Cindy Murff
David and Mary Ann Klimek
The Quinlan Visual Arts Center, 514 Green Street, N.E. is located in the heart of the historic Green Street district of downtown Gainesville. For more information, please call 770-536-2575 or see our website at www.quinlan
In line with this year's campaign theme of Take Action, United Way of Hall County organized more than 40 of the area's top management to participate in a volunteer project Oct. 21 at Jones Early Language Development Center.
The leaders from business, government and education in Hall County worked on projects that included painting the media center, front office and hallway, repairing playground benches, trimming hedges, painting a walking trail and building a reading stage.
The co-chairwomen of the inaugural event were Carol Burrell, executive vice president and COO of Northeast Georgia Health System and Elizabeth Umberson, president of ZF Wind Power.
Funding for the improvements at the center were provided from the J. Cleon Nalley Educational Enhancement Fund at United Way.
The new Jones Early Language Development Center is an extension of Lyman Hall Elementary School. JELDC serves 4- and 5-year-olds who are the most at-risk language students with the goal of having them start first grade with the language skills needed to be successful.
JELDC is partnering with the education departments of Gainesville State College and North Georgia College & State University to build a collaborative teaching and learning site that will allow college education professors and students the opportunity to participate in and facilitate the immersion program.