Bill and Claire Coates of Gainesville announce the engagement of their daughter Elizabeth Claire Coates to Marcus Ashley Isandoro, son of Luca and Cathy Isandoro of Gainesville.
The bride-elect is the granddaughter of Bill and Bobby Jean Coates of Kershaw, S.C., and Wilma Webber Stone of Tabor City, S.C.
She is a 1998 graduate of Orangeburg-Wilkinson High School in Orangeburg, S.C. She graduated in 2006 from North Georgia College & State University in Dahlonega with a bachelor's degree in English. She is employed as a director with Family Life Center in Gainesville.
The groom-elect is the grandson of the late Nicholas and Ruth Isandoro and the late Earl and Lorraine Johnson. He is a 1989 graduate of Sequoyah High School in Doraville. He is employed as a sheet metal worker with RF Knox Co. Inc. in Atlanta. He served in the U.S. Navy.
The couple plan to wed Nov. 20 2008, in St. Thomas, Virgin Islands.