Taxes, taxes, taxes! That's all the education departments know. Money, money, money!
All the money in the world isn't going to help the kids learn. The school system is like our goat: No common sense.
I am not an educated man. I do know right from wrong and I can make change for a $10 bill without a computer or calculator. No new taxes should be put on the property owner. The property owner didn't cause the school system to run in the red. Bad management and lack of education is the answer.
All these foreigners, plus a lot of people in this country, play a major roll in the education systems. So why should the property owners pay all the freight? If these people don't have to pay, they will keep pumping out kids for the property owners to pay for.
If anyone in the school system had any common sense, they should be able to figure this out for themselves. More studying and less play time! When I went to school in Banks County, we had a basketball court and a baseball field; no air conditioning, no swimming pool, etc.
Some day, one of the educated countries will take over the United States and never fire a shot. They will do it with education. I hope this letter might wake people up.
Calvin O. Bolton
Why is school chief on vacation right now?
The business community and general public are about to be hammered by a major school tax increase.
At a time when maximum effort to cutting the school budget should be taking place to lessen the increase, I read with amazement your article stating Superintendent Ballowe was in Russia on vacation.
With the deadline for this tax increase fast approaching, Dr. Ballowe should be here doing working on the budget. I think this sends a strong message to the Gainesville community.
Jack Waldrip