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There is a survey at the Hall County Dumpster site at the farmers market on Jesse Jewell Parkway. The manager had the survey for the residents of Hall County to check one of the following:
1. Close one day a week;
2. Go up on taxes (only landowners have this tax);
3. None of the above.
The annual tax of $50 for trash disposal on landowners should be discontinued.
Everyone who uses the Dumpster sites should pay, including landowners and renters and those who do not live in Hall County who use our sites.
A more fair way to charge for use of the Dumpster site so that everyone is paying their fair share is the collect a fee per bag or at least per vehicle. Fees could be collected at the site and each one given a receipt. Fees could be lowered or raised to meet the expense of operating the site.
In my opinion, this is the only fair way to handle it. Everybody who uses the site should pay.
Dan Buffington