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I went to the Job Fair and Career Expo on Wednesday at the Georgia Mountains Center. Wow. There are some people in this town that need to get a grip on reality.
I waited in line for almost two hours to be herded into a room full of tables, people and chaos. There was not enough room to turn around. Some employers had run out of cards and were handing out handwritten cards with their website on them. Many of the employers would not accept resumes and tell you to fill out an application online.
Seems to me the whole event should have been inside the arena (which was not being used) where folks could spread out and maybe get something accomplished.
I overheard one of the Chamber of Commerce volunteers say to another "We've got over 200 people in line and it's almost 2 o'clock. We've got to get these people moving."
That tells me a whole lot.
Joseph Jones