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Thank you for pointing out that pro football is big bucks. The unmentioned fact is this is a classic case of owners vs. workers. In my experience, when workers start telling me what to do with my business, it is time for the workers to move on. I am sure the NFL owners can do the same and the money machine will continue on.
The real economic problem in Hall County deserves more attention. Our county government has been spending money like drunk sailors for years based upon a Ponzi scheme of growth.
News flash: The growth did not arrive and will not arrive for a good while. In the meantime, the county budget must be cut. Our leaders need to lead, do their jobs and cut out the fat in budgets that have grown unchecked for years.
The county commissioners need to do their job in the best interest of all county residents, not in the best interest of county employees as Tom Oliver claims.
Bill Oberholtzer