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Death penalty keeps murderers off our streets
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I have read some of Kathleen Parker’s articles and have had no problems with her writing until her Sunday offering in The Times condemning capital punishment.

The contested execution of Troy Davis was apparently her motivation for this ridiculous liberal diatribe. As for the recanting of the witnesses in that case, their original testimony is most likely factual and their change probably due to the public outcry and perhaps to remuneration from Davis’ supporters.

Given the thoroughness and leniency of our penal system at present, the likelihood of an innocent person being executed is probably one in 10,000 or so. Parker even admits that during her coverage of criminal courts, “I was mostly surprised that any one ever is convicted given the strict standards of proof.” This reminds me of Mitt Romney’s reversal on health care.

As with Parker, I spent my first 24 years embracing religion, but while no longer religious, I still advocate the biblical policy of an eye-for-an-eye. The heinous and mass murders of today should not be tolerated and perpetrators should be executed.

Parker says she has experienced the murder of three members of her family yet is still against the death penalty. If the victims of murders could be limited to those opposing execution and their closest relatives and friends, those left would either change their minds or go down the tube, also. 

Capital punishment is not an effective deterrent simply because of “the strict standards of proof” and our excessive appeals process. Anyone committing murder should receive the death penalty no matter the number of victims or the degree of cruelty involved.

There is an untold number of convicted murderers freely walking our streets who have been pardoned whether or not they received life sentences and some who receive death sentences are never executed. This was the case with a man who killed two women and seriously injured a third after the jury on which I sat had sentenced him to death. He is living happily ever after at our expense. 

I am one of the “sane,” if not lovely people who cheered Gov. Rick Perry’s pride in his administration of ultimate justice which our other states should emulate. 

If Parker is not a “wimp” regarding justice then why is she so dead set on preventing criminals from receiving their just rewards?

Jim Scharnagel