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Column on mark contrasting occupy, tea party groups
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I read Trevor Thomas' article regarding the tea party and "occupiers" and thought it was a marvelous piece. His comparisons are right on target and can be easily documented and footnoted.

Then I read the responses by the readers and was astounded. I really did not know that many uninformed people read The Times or live in the Gainesville market.

Two examples of Mr. Thomas' soundness:

1. The occupier group in Woodruff Park in Atlanta has tacked up a hand-printed cardboard sign announcing their name for the park as Troy Davis Park. Of course, most people know Mr. Davis as the recently executed cop killer.

2. One responder said she has passed out 100 pocket Constitutions and was fond of the tea party, but couldn't vote for McCain-Palin and thus voted for Obama. What kind of wildly inconsistent person would make that statement?

Hats off to Mr. Thomas and I hope he will keep his pen ready and willing.

Fred N. Chitwood
Flowery Branch