The Affordable Care Act will create a healthier population less burdened by excessive medical bills and the fear of economic ruin from getting sick.That increased physical and financial security for consumers will translate into a healthier business environment for health providers, insurers, suppliers and the rest of our national economy.The rapid escalation in health-care costs in the past and the burden that places on individuals has traditionally been a drag on economic growth. The ACA aims to lift that burden in several ways.Consumers drive the economy, and they will see the most positive benefits from the health-care act. It is projected that 30 million uninsured or underinsured Americans will now be able to access affordable care because of the legislation.That’s 30 million new customers for the health-care industry, whether it is insurance companies providing coverage, care providers delivering services or the vast network of suppliers for the industry producing health-care related products.In 2012, health-care hiring accounted for nearly 300,000 jobs or one-sixth of the total new jobs for the year.
Commentary: Health care for 30 million more Americans will boost nations prosperity