During the last two years I have been a volunteer leader and participant in the Vision 2030 Wisdom Project. Yes, there is a Vision 2030 for Hall County and they have a website. Its worth a visit to see what is going on with this 2005 initiative.
The Wisdom Keeper Project I led, with a group of five Wisdom Project graduates was to promote the positive economic value that Lee Gilmer Memorial Airport has on our community. Our local airport is a job creator, revenue generator and facilitates business activity in our area. During the past two years, I had many contacts with our federal, state and local representatives. They are all fine people and good listeners of whom I have great respect.
Most of my communication was with the administrative staffs of the city of Gainesville and Hall county employees. They are a credit to our community and sincerely make every effort to save us taxpayers every penny possible. They are very conscientious about the quality of work they produce and carry out their duties professionally.
To them, I would like to say that I applaud each of you and thank you for your dedication and positive attitude. Thank you, to the other Hall County cities public administration staffs as well. You also provide loyal and dedicated service to our community and you are appreciated.
Our elected representatives have that same special and unique attitude for the people they represent. They strive to do their very best to be good stewards of our hard-earned dollars. They want to hear from their citizenry and respect our comments and positions on issues. It has been rewarding to meet ladies and gentlemen who genuinely care and maintain an open, honest relationship with us.
Thank you for your long hours of service and your dedication to our citizens and community.
We are blessed to live in Hall County, a truly special county in Georgia. People here still care about each other and the quality of life our community provides, with hopefully a Christian attitude as well.
Wayne Stradley
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